Connecting to God, each other and our world

We are a vibrant, passionate family church who believe that a relationship
with Jesus can change your life!

Discover more - we'd love you to join us

Join us on Sundays

We meet every Sunday at The Minster School, Southwell. We have 2 services: a reflective service at 9:30am and a family service at 11am.

Our Sunday services are full of life and activity, with contemporary worship, Bible teaching applicable to everyday life and a great programme for children and young people. There's plenty of on-site parking and free refreshments before and after the service, when you can connect with others.

Find out more

Picnic 16 July 2023

Connect with us

Get involved with our groups and teams

Make a connection with Riverside and join a church with a vibrant community. We encourage our members to join a Connect Group, serve on a team or get involved in any number of other ways.

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Stay Curious. Try Alpha.

Our next Alpha Course starts on 26th April at the Riverside Centre. Sign up on ChurchSuite here.

Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone's welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you're invited.